Hedging in forex: a complete guide 2022

Hedging in forex

Hedging in forex market concerns itself with an investment that shields your finances from a risky situation. The purpose behind hedging is to minimize or offset the chance that your assets will be worthless. 

It also restricts your loss to a known amount in case the asset loses value. It’s just like home insurance. You have to contribute a monthly fixed amount. In case a fire wipes out all the value of your home, your loss is the known amount of deductible. 

What is Forex Hedging? 

Forex hedging is the practice of opening many positions simultaneously to protect your portfolio from volatility or uncertainty. Therefore, hedging in the forex market is concerned with offsetting losses on one position with gains from the other. 

Generally, the objective of hedging is to take a position on two dissimilar instruments that have an opposing correlation with each other. In case one instrument depreciates in value, the other is likely to appreciate. This may aid the offsetting of any risk from the declining position with a profit. 

These investment decisions ought to be permitted time of consideration. Rather than hastily arrived at, they are the result of careful thought and analysis. 

Forex hedging is of higher incidence amongst short-term and medium-term traders. Market volatility lasts only so long. These traders like to take advantage of rapid price fluctuations. 

Long-term position traders, on the other hand, are less interested in considering recent happenings in the market; rather, they more frequently open positions on the basis of their predictions for the long-term future. 

Common Forex hedging strategies: Is hedging a good strategy in forex? 

Investors are concerned with forex hedging using derivatives. The latter are financial contracts that derive their value from stock or some such underlying asset. 

The most common derivative in use is the option. It gives you the right to buy or sell a stock at a particular price within a definite time window. 

Forex hedging strategies are used by traders to protect their market positions from adverse market conditions or price fluctuations of the currency pair. These are highly helpful for traders to have a set plan to trade in the market and get market signals to enter or exit the trade. Traders can, moreover, know the currency pair to trade, the base and the quoted price of the currency pair, and other market data regarding the trade of the currency pair for making a profit. 

With the forex hedging strategies, traders can analyze the market, know their market positions, trade in different styles, they can either go long or short depending on the market situation. So, in a small aspect the forex hedging strategies are a necessary tool for managing market volatility, thus minimizing the market risks. 

How does Forex Hedging protect you from risk? 

Let us suppose you bought a stock. According to you, the price would go up. However, you also wanted to shield against the loss in case the price plummets. A put option would hedge that risk for you. 

A small fee would entitle you to the right to sell the stock at the same price.  In case it falls,  you would exercise your put, having the money-back you had just invested, less the fee.

Hedges and hedge funds 

Hedge funds have a lot of derivatives that hedge investments. These are generally privately owned investment funds. The government is not interested in regulating them as much as it would in mutual funds. The latter is the focus of public corporations’ attention. 

Hedge funds recompense their managers a percent of the returns they earn. They get nada in case their investments lose money. Investors find this attractive, particularly those frustrated by coughing up mutual fund fees irrespective of performance. 

Courtesy such compensation structure, hedge fund managers are compelled to achieve above-market returns. Managers making poor decisions could lose their employment. They hug the wages they saved up while the going was good. In case they bet large, and right, they make oodles of moolah. When they lose, they do not lose their personal money. Hence, they are by and large risk-tolerant. 

The funds remain precarious, in the sense that there are potential investors who could lose their life savings. 

Derivatives’ use of hedge funds added risk to the global economy. This was the main cause of the 2008 crisis. Fund managers purchased credit default swaps, hedging potential losses from subprime mortgage-backed securities.

AIG and such insurance companies gave their word to pay off in case of subprime mortgages defaulted. 

This insurance gave hedge funds a false sense of security. Consequently, they purchased more mortgage-backed securities than was rational. There was no shielding from risk. A large number of defaults took the insurance companies by surprise. Small wonder, the government had to bail out insurers, the banks, the hedge funds. 

The real hedge in the financial system was the US government. There‘s the ability to tax, incur debt, and money printing. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act regulates hedge funds and risky derivatives thereof. 

Who needs a forex hedging strategy?

Forex Hedging strategies are generally used by retail forex traders that have a wide knowledge of the markets. They are indeed well placed to predict upcoming economic changes. 

Nonetheless, the truth is that anyone can use a forex hedging strategy, particularly if there’s a large sum of money or portfolio involved. Small wonder, professional traders, and institutional investors also find good applications for said strategy. 

Forex traders may see forex hedging as a risk management strategy that aids in protecting the portfolio. Volatile market trading may lead to risks for the investor: interest rate changes, currency exchange rate changes, social, political, economic instability, geographical changes, commodity shortages. Prior to opening positions, these are all factors that a trader could deem part of their fundamental analysis. 

Forex hedging is important to manage the trade of currency pairs that keep fluctuating in the market. This guides the forex trades to minimize the loss on the invested currency pairs and balance the trade with other currency pairs or other market investments. 

Thus, the forex traders hedge currency risk and make profitable market investments. 

Forex Hedging: which markets do traders prefer? 

Traders are interested in forex hedging. 

  • They can therefore offset share market liquidity risk. Traders may be concerned that a stock may not be traded back and forth sufficiently swiftly without affecting its price, in case buyers are lacking.
  • Traders need to be prepared for commodity risk. The latter may come about as a result of negative effects on commodity positions, given poor weather conditions, lack of resources, or natural disasters.
  • Traders are interested in sidestepping forex position currency risk. Interest rates and forex rates fluctuate frequently, besides currency pair exchange rates. Interest rates may impact the treasury market. 

Common hedging strategies: types 

Hedging strategies are out there in diverse forms, upholding forex hedging. The determinant factors are the type of market and the kind of instrument you prefer to trade. Traders can apply these forex hedging strategies by opening their retail investor accounts or professional accounts. 

The retail investor accounts are for the retail or novice market traders who invest in the forex market on intervals. Whereas professional traders are regular market investors that trade with the forex hedge to make profits. 

Traders use hedging strategies in order to minimize the risk of losing money rapidly. Forex market is high volume trading but the risks and uncertainties of the market make it prone to profit loss. The market has a low success rate and therefore traders may end up losing money rapidly while trading forex.

Common approaches that traders most  favour : 

  • Derivatives

Options, futures, forward contracts ; 

  • Pairs trading

Taking two positions on assets with a positive correlation  ; 

  • Trading safe-haven assets

Government bonds, gold, major currencies; 

  • Asset allocation

Portfolio diversification with diverse asset classes. 

All these approaches aid the forex trades to reduce the currency risk and have good market profits. The currency risk is the fear of losing money in foreign exchange trading due to various market factors. Therefore, traders use the hedging or derivative trading in the forex market for minimising the chances of loss. Handling currency risk is vital for the desired profits. 

Common Forex hedging strategies:

Forward contracts 

Hedgers may determine to use a forward contract when price movements are specifically volatile within the market they selected. Such contracts signify an agreement to exchange an asset at a particular price on a future date. This permits you to close out your position prior to the delivery date in exchange for cash.

Hedgers trade forwards to sidestep asset price volatility. The terms of an agreement are set at the contract’s beginning. Hence, any price fluctuations will not affect the price at the forward contract’s end. 

For instance, a commodity trader would be using a forward contract, provided they are concerned about natural disasters and weather conditions that may impact supply and demand for an asset, like wheat, corn, or sugar. The trader hedges against loss-inducing potential risk by locking in the price at the very beginning.

Futures and options: Forex hedging

Another derivative trading type that we must touch upon is concerned with futures and options contracts.  These work in a way similar to forwards, ensuring an asset’s future price. Provided your intent is to make a purchase in the future, you could go long. However, in case you plan to sell the asset, you could go short. 

Having future prices agreed upon, there might be a reduction in the level of uncertainty in the market. Futures and options are subject to more regulation relative to forward contracts. In fact, you would be asked to carry out the contract’s full duration. 

Pairs trading 

When it comes to hedging in foreign exchange strategies, pairs trading is nearly universal. Pairs trading is really a long-short hedge strategy. By implication, pairs trading is market-neutral; it is suitable for hedging in forex. It is of little account even if the two concerned securities belong within the same asset class, provided there’s a positive correlation between them. 

To operate a pairs trading strategy, the trader has to identify when one asset is overvalued, the other undervalued. Here, deviating values are calculated using standard deviation. They may then opt to open a buy position to go long on the undervalued asset. 

Conversely, they may short sell the overvalued position. The assets ought to go back to their original positive correlation.  

Safe-haven assets trading 


Gold may be a hedge during inflationary times. It does keep its value when the dollar plummets. It is among the safe haven financial instruments and is mostly traded in the market.

Gold attracts many investors as a hedge against a dollar collapse. The dollar is the world’s global currency. Were the dolar to have the rug pulled from under its feet, gold would rule the roost. Then again, It would be hampered by its own limited supply.

The dollar’s value is mainly centered around credit, not cash. It is mainly the historical association that causes golf to stand up as a credible substitute for the dollar, or even as a hedge against hyperinflation. 

It’s just as well that many investors have a habit of buying gold as a hedge against stock losses! Per Trinity College Dublin data, on average, gold prices appreciate for 15 days post stock market crashes. 

Gold may be bought as a direct investment in case the price appreciates. The demand could appreciate or the supply could depreciate. In that case, hedging is not the reason behind the gold purchase. 

Government bonds 

Debt securities like gilts or government bonds and T bonds or Treasuries are usually deemed safe instruments throughout the year. They offer a fixed rate of return till the expiry date. On maturing, the government pays the bondholder the bond’s face value. Any principal invested is repaid to you. 

Notwithstanding government bonds attracting less risk-tolerant investors, they may still be impacted by inflation, interest rates, the economy’s currency strength, but not that much by the stock market. Government bonds are an island of peace in times of volatility and uncertainty. 

Currency Pairs

Currencies like the USD, the CHF, and the JPY are deemed safe havens. These are backed by strong economies, stable interest rates, and currency exchange rates. 

Asset allocation & diversification 

Diversification is another way if you want to hedge in forex in the practical sense. You have an asset assortment that does not rise and fall together. In case one asset declines, you still have left a lot to save. For instance, the majority of people have bonds to offset stock ownership risk. When stock prices plunge, bond values appreciate. That just applies to high-grade corporate bonds. Junk bond value plummets following stock prices that decline, both being the risky sort of investment. 

Asset allocation odd sets risk while also diversifying the portfolio. For instance, some traders opt to dedicate a certain percentage of their portfolio to segregate asset classes, like 60% bonds and 40% equities. 

The allocation is determined thanks to factors, besides particular characteristics of the trader themselves. You understand that every trader cannot adopt the same strategy, since age, risk appetite, and investment goals differ across diversities of traders. 

How to hedge 

Open an account with InvestBy 

InvestBy boasts of CFDs on more than 350 assets. The world’s leading markets are covered. You can, per the broker website, select your favorites and customize price change notifications. Traders have forex trading, stock, cryptocurrencies, metals, indices, commodities markets. 

Choose if you want to hedge via CFDs or spread bets 

Spread betting in the UK or Ireland is tax-free. Conversely, CFDs are not inexpensive and are even globally available. 

How much can you put up at stake? 

Placing multiple positions is not inexpensive. This is specifically true if you are holding positions overnight, or applying order types. 

Choose your strategy 

Determine if you’d like to trade forward contracts, use a pairs trading strategy, or open positions on safe-haven assets. The compatibility of these with trading styles and goals will differ across traders. 

Risk management stays despite robust forex hedging strategies 

In positions where you deem the market to be particularly volatile, feel free to place stop losses. 


You are interested in hedging in forex since you wish to limit risk. Forex hedging may be a bigger part of your trading plan, provided the job is thorough. Market swings and timings are best handled by seasoned traders. Forex trading or be other markets traders have to use hedging for diversification of portfolio and reducing the market risks. 

