The operations are defined and governed by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO), a legislative framework that outlines powers, roles, and responsibilities. As a statutory entity, their primary objectives are multifaceted.

They strive to cultivate a securities and futures industry that is fair, efficient, competitive, transparent, and orderly. They are committed to protecting the investing public, implementing measures that mitigate the occurrence of crime and misconduct within the industry.

They diligently work to minimise systemic risks that may pose threats to the stability and integrity of the industry as a whole. These statutory objectives provide the foundation for our work, as we continuously uphold and strengthen the regulatory framework to foster a resilient and trustworthy securities and futures industry.

Licensing and Regulation

One of the primary duties of the SFC is to issue licences to corporations and individuals involved in regulated activities. These activities encompass tasks such as securities trading, corporate finance consultation, and asset management services provision.

By conducting continuous supervision, the SFC ensures that licensees adhere to the specified conditions and actively identifies and mitigates any potential instances of misconduct.

Supervision and Compliance

They diligently work to minimise systemic risks that may pose threats to the stability and integrity of the industry as a whole. These statutory objectives provide the foundation for our work, as we continuously uphold and strengthen the regulatory framework to foster a resilient and trustworthy securities and futures industry.


In order to address cross-border financial crimes and uphold stability in the global market, the SFC actively engages in partnerships with international regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies.

These efforts are facilitated through agreements that promote information sharing and cooperative initiatives, enabling a coordinated approach to tackling financial misconduct and promoting the integrity of global markets.