Strangle and Straddle: Which Option Strategy to Choose?

Strangle and Straddle

Bullish and bearish strategies are the most frequent strategies in futures and options. But what if you don’t have a directional market view and are simply betting on whether the market will become more or less volatile? Volatile strategies are what they’re termed. strangle and straddle are two of the most common volatility techniques. You essentially buy calls and puts in both of these methods.

When traders think of expanding into more complex tactics, the first thing that comes to mind is increased risk. That’sThat’s significant but keep in mind that advanced techniques are more complicated, so knowing what your trades will do in different scenarios is much more crucial.

Options strangle and straddle

These spread combinations are for options traders who think implied volatility or price volatility will climb significantly in one way or the other but aren’t sure which way.

For example, perhaps an earnings report on a stock you’re investigating is due soon. Perhaps a product launch is on the horizon, and you believe it will either be innovative or a massive flop. However, you believe price volatility is on the way in one form or another.

These two tactics may be able to assist you in obtaining that price volatility exposure. For example, buying a call and a put with the same strike and expiration date is a straddle option strategy. But buying an out-of-the-money (OTM) call and put with the same expiration date but different strikes is known as a strangle.

Straddles And Strangles

Options strategies like the straddle and strangle are considered directionally agnostic, which means they focus on the magnitude of a move rather than the direction. For example, because the put’s delta compensates the call’s delta, an at-the-money (ATM) straddle has a net delta of approximately zero when purchased. 

As a result, a big increase in the underlying price should have nearly the same impact on the theoretical value of the straddle as almost the same amount of decrease in the underlying price. The same can be valid for buying a strangle consisting of equivalent-delta options. This is because the smart move will help in so many conditions. 

The put strike will be lower than the call strike in a strangle. As a result, the long strangle expires null if the underlying price is at or between the price targets at expiration, whereas the straddle expires worthless only if the stock price matches the strike price. 

If the stock price rises, my call increases in value, but the put decreases in value. But that’s where the concept of magnitude comes into play. If implied volatility falls at the same time that price rises, the in-the-money options leg should continue to rise in value, having moved one-to-one with the underlying, unless implied volatility falls at the same time as price rises. In contrast, the OTM leg approaches zero but cannot go much lower. Consider the profit and loss of the straddle and strangle.

The long strangle, and the long straddle is comparable. The strangle, on the other hand, employs distinct strike prices for the call and put, whereas the straddle has the same strike price in both cases. When compared to a straddle, the strangle will typically provide more leverage because it is typically less expensive to acquire a strangle than a straddle.

Short strangle and straddle


We prefer to enter a market-neutral condition in both circumstances. However, when implied volatility is high, we like to enter both a Strangle and a Straddle. Therefore, when selling a Short Strangle or Straddle, keep in mind that the risk is theoretically undefined.


There are two significant distinctions to be aware of.

A Short Strangle will have a slightly higher Probability of Profit (POP) on the transaction, but a Short Straddle will have a lower POP.

On the other hand, Short Strangles have a lesser profit potential than Short Straddles, which has a higher profit potential.

Always keep in mind that there is a trade-off between risk and return. If your chances of profit are larger, your profit potential is usually lower. On the other hand, if your profit probability is negligible, you should have more considerable profit potential.

Straddle and Strangle: Choosing a Strategy

Which is better: the straddle or the strangle? The answer is that it depends on your goals and risk tolerance, as is typically the case with options methods. A long straddle costs more in general, but its theoretical worth increases as you move away from the strike price. On the other hand, the strangle is often less expensive to buy because its legs are OTM options, but it doesn’t gain traction until the underlying approaches one of the two strikes.

Short Strangle

Our break-even points are defined in our price slices. We have marked the expiration date of these options on our calendar. By doing so, the platform calculates our profit potential if we hold this trade till expiration.

We rarely hold these transactions all the way to expiration. Thus, our chances of making money on this trade in real-world trading are substantially better than 70%. However, in this case, if you hold it all the way to expiration, your chances of profit are nearly the same.

The maximum potential profit at expiration may be seen on the chart in the bottom left-hand corner of the graph.

Short Straddle

To determine our probability of profit, we must shift our price slices to the break-even points.

One must not be necessarily better than the other when trading Short Strangles and Short Straddles. It all boils down to your basic assumption. The short straddle will be the trade of choice if you believe the underlying symbol would move in a restricted range. The short strangle is the greatest option if you like a considerably greater range during your time in the market.

We trade more Short Strangles than Short Straddles at NavigationTrading because we prefer the higher possibility of success and are fine with capping our earnings at a lower potential. However, over time, both short strangle and straddle have shown to be quite successful. It’sIt’s truly just a matter of personal taste.

Assessing the Risks of strangle and straddle

Options are not usually required to be retained until they expire. Once the predicted move has gone, many traders will look to close their straddle or strangle. You have two possibilities when you own a straddle or strangle, both of which are subject to time decay or theta, the regular natural deterioration of option values.

One danger of buying a straddle or strangle is that the underlying stock’s price movement may not be sufficient to compensate for the theta. The higher the volatility when you start the trade, the greater the entry price point for the straddle or strangle, and thus the larger the price move in the underlying, you will need to break even.

When you are not sure which way the markets are going, strangle and straddle are excellent non-directional tactics. However, selling strangle and straddle exposes you to infinite risk on both the upside and downside. This can have a significant financial impact.

Strangles provide a significant price risk, particularly if you are writing short strangles or straddles on individual companies rather than the index. With time, strangle becomes much more dangerous. It is argued that time works against the option buyer and in favor of the option seller. When selling a strangle strategy, you run the risk of both a short call and a short put.

Options strangle and straddle Uses

Long options like strangle and straddle might be used to target directionally agnostic movement. However, moving the underlying stock is not enough; the movement must be large enough to overcome options decay, represented in the options price at the time of entry. On the other hand, long strangle and straddle options strategies can be profitable regardless of direction if the size is large enough.

Long Strangle and Straddle

We are now able to distinguish between a Long Strangle and a Long Straddle.


A large one-directional move is beneficial to both a Long Strangle and a Long Straddle. We do not care which way a Long Strangle or a Long Straddle moves when we put them on. We simply want to make a significant change.

The expansion of implied volatility benefits both of them. A long straddle and a strangle both have stated risks. Both have a limitless profit margin.


The key difference between the two is that the Long Strangle has a lower profit probability, while the Long Straddle has a slightly higher profit probability.

Learn The Differences between Futures and Options

Long Strangle

Remember how, in a short strangle, we wanted the price to stay within the break-even and profit ranges? To make any money on a Long Strangle, we need a large directional shift in one direction or the other, and we must be outside of the price slices at expiration.

The only time we buy strangle and straddle at NavigationTrading is when we expect implied volatility to rise and a major move to occur rapidly. When trading a Long Strangle or Straddle, we want to see the price move swiftly in one direction or the other and be able to exit before expiration.

It’sIt’s a transaction with an extremely low chance of success. If you want to make any money, the price has to move swiftly and dramatically.

Long Straddle

Let’sLet’s look at the Long Straddle in more detail. To populate the graph, uncheck the Strangle position and check the box for the Straddle position. Next, Let’s get to the break-even points with our price slices.

We will have a reasonable chance. However, if the price continues between the break-even points, we will lose money during that period of time if we hold the position until it expires.

Bottom Line

Traders who are new to options strategies often start with the basic call and put methods, selling covered calls for potential profit and buying puts for temporary downside protection. Although many traders never go beyond the basics, other traders are drawn to sophisticated options strategies because of their variety and adaptability. Moreover, they want to use them to achieve specific goals.

So they also have an option to achieve those goals through strangle and straddle strategy. One can easily apply such strategies through leading brokerage firms like ABinvesting. This brokerage firm provides valuable customer experience with multilingual support and exceptional trading tools for traders’ convenience.


A short strangle is better than a short straddle when the underlying stock is not volatile and you have a good idea about its direction. Short strangle gives more upside than a straddle. But you need to have a more accurate idea about the direction of underlying stock than a straddle. When the underlying stock is volatile and you don’t have clear idea about direction, then straddle might be a better option.

Yes, straddle can be more profitable than strangle. While both options are very similar in terms of how they trade, the price at which one is traded might make the two options quite different. The idea behind both options is to buy a call and a put of the same underlying stock and in the same month. Major difference between the two options is in the price difference of calls and puts.

what is straddle and strangle?

straddle and strangle are options trading strategies where an investor simultaneously buys a call option and a put option. for straddle, you buy a call and a put where the strike price for call and put is same. for straddle, you buy a call and a put where the strikes are different. Straddle and strangle are good strategies if you are bearish on the market. while you can make a profit if the stock price doesn’t move much, but you can lose both the potential gains if the stock moves in one direction or another. so it is better to use these strategies when you are very confident about the market movement.
